The right package for every company

Unlimited usersWe would like to enable all employees to carry out independent keyword research.
Retrieve keywords (monthly)
All available locations (14)Retrieve data for 14 different countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia)
IdeasUse Ideas to retrieve keywords related to your topic & identify new themes, trends and seasonalities.
Suggests (8 interfaces)What are the most searched keyword combinations for your input? Retrieve input suggestions from Google, Amazon, Ebay, YouTube and Instagram
Retrieve search volumeRetrieve search volumes for up to 10,000 keywords at once
Historical search volumeRetrieve the search volume of the last 24 months for millions of keywords
Updating existing searchesThe searches created are kept up-to-date on a cloud-based basis. The search volume, CPC and Adwords Competition are updated monthly.
Automatic categorisationKeywords are assigned to over 4,000 product & service categories
Company-wide trainingThrough departmental training, we improve the understanding of keyword data across the organisation
Single Sign-On (SSO)Single sign-on is the one-time authentication for several services with the same login data via the company's internal identity provider.
Unlimited usersWewant to empower all employees to do keyword research on their own.
up to 100,000
Retrieve keywords (monthly)
All available locations (14)Retrieves data for 14 different countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia)
IdeasRecallkeywords related to your topic with Ideas & identify new topics, trends and seasonalities.
Suggests (8 interfaces)What are the most searched keyword combinations for your input? Retrieve input suggestions from Google, Amazon, Ebay, YouTube and Instagram
Retrieve search volumesRetrievesearch volumes for up to 10,000 keywords at once
Historical search volumeRecallthe search volume of the last 24 months for millions of keywords
Updating existing searchesThesearches created are kept up to date cloud-based. The search volume, CPC and Adwords Competition are updated monthly.
Automatic categorisationThekeywords are assigned to over 4,000 product & service categories
Company-wide trainingThroughdepartmental training, we improve the understanding of keyword data across the company
Single sign-on (SSO)Single sign-on is the one-time authentication for several services with the same login data via the company's internal identity provider.
per month | plus VAT
Unlimited usersWewant to empower all employees to do keyword research on their own.
up to 500,000
Retrieve keywords (monthly)
All available locations (14)Retrieves data for 14 different countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia)
IdeasRecallkeywords related to your topic with Ideas & identify new topics, trends and seasonalities.
Suggests (8 interfaces)What are the most searched keyword combinations for your input? Retrieve input suggestions from Google, Amazon, Ebay, YouTube and Instagram
Retrieve search volumesRetrievesearch volumes for up to 10,000 keywords at once
Historical search volumeRecallthe search volume of the last 24 months for millions of keywords
Updating existing searchesThesearches created are kept up to date cloud-based. The search volume, CPC and Adwords Competition are updated monthly.
Automatic categorisationThekeywords are assigned to over 4,000 product & service categories
Company-wide trainingThroughdepartmental training, we improve the understanding of keyword data across the company
Single sign-on (SSO)Single sign-on is the one-time authentication for several services with the same login data via the company's internal identity provider.
per month | plus VAT
Unlimited usersWewant to empower all employees to do keyword research on their own.
up to 1,000,000
Retrieve keywords (monthly)
All available locations (14)Retrieves data for 14 different countries (Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia)
IdeasRecallkeywords related to your topic with Ideas & identify new topics, trends and seasonalities.
Suggests (8 interfaces)What are the most searched keyword combinations for your input? Retrieve input suggestions from Google, Amazon, Ebay, YouTube and Instagram
Retrieve search volumesRetrievesearch volumes for up to 10,000 keywords at once
Historical search volumeRecallthe search volume of the last 24 months for millions of keywords
Updating existing searchesThesearches created are kept up to date cloud-based. The search volume, CPC and Adwords Competition are updated monthly.
Automatic categorisationThekeywords are assigned to over 4,000 product & service categories
Company-wide trainingThroughdepartmental training, we improve the understanding of keyword data across the company
Single sign-on (SSO)Single sign-on is the one-time authentication for several services with the same login data via the company's internal identity provider.
per month | plus VAT